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Book tips

Since I am an avid reader and I research my topics of interest both online and in books, I am putting together a list of works I find good. If necessary, I also group them by subject area - mainly focusing on well-being, good feeling, food, relaxation, yoga, meditation and spiritual growth. Also included is a book tip related to the ingredients and production of natural cosmetics.

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Page updated on 23 October 2021


Health and well-being

Marja Ruuti: A healthy liver, the key to well-being

The liver affects our well-being in many ways. This book tells you everything you need to know about the meaning of the liver. The book gives good tips on how you can influence how your liver is and works with lifestyle and environmental factors. Food instructions are also included.



Maria Borelius: Bliss- cover inflammation, live and feel better

An easy-to-read book written with a taste of life. Science journalist Maria Borelius is looking for information to curb silent inflammation in the body. From this book, I grabbed the instructions for a wonderful homemade muesli, which I always prepare a large jar at once!

Maija Kajan: Joy and health - a woman's menopause and hormones

A recent book by a Finnish gynecologist full of information and stories about a woman's hormonal changes and their effects on a woman's life and health. The book is written with appreciation, encouraging everyone to find their own way of living through the time of major hormonal changes. The risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy are also presented.

Anu Tevanlinna: Well-being to your heart

The book is a great toolkit for those dreaming of a life change. In it you will find methods for changing unhealthy lifestyles and building habits that promote your health. The book contains several exercises that help you implement your life changes and adopt new habits. I got several great insights from the book to implement my own change and snacks for that journey!

Outi Lempa: Home cosmetics raw materials and manufacturing

The book is a truly comprehensive package of information about cosmetics raw materials. I recommend this book even if you don't make home cosmetics yourself - it gives you a lot to think about, too. for researching and evaluating the cosmetic products in use. The book contains oils, plants, clays and chemicals in the same covers. The differences between different oils are thoroughly discussed and with the help of the book you can find oils and herbs suitable for your skin. Also includes a lot of instructions for making home cosmetics.

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Relaxation, yoga, meditation

Mia Jokiniva: Organic stress treatment techniques for moments of respite

The book provides a comprehensive introduction to generating the body's relaxation reaction. It contains research information on taming stress as well as versatile breathing and relaxation, yoga, concentration and meditation exercises.

Chinese medicine

Helena Hallenberg: Pharmacy in the kitchen

In Chinese medicine, food substances are often used as medicines. The book covers Chinese culture, medicine and the basics of nutritional therapy.

Maria Juselius: A woman's journey to Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine's view of a woman's life is different from the Western one. According to Chinese thinking, women's troubles, pain and suffering are not normal things. An easily understood book about different periods of a woman's life.

Minna Andersson: Feminine Yin

The book discusses every phase of a woman's life holistically - how the well-being of emotions, body and mind is a whole, which affect each other and thereby our health. The book is clear, illustrative and easy to read. Thanks especially for the well-instructed yin yoga exercises!

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